WWDC21 sessions I got the most out of them

4 min readJun 14, 2021


WWDC always comes with great news and awesome updates on the Apple platforms and iOS development. I truly love how Apple takes care of its platforms and constantly improves them year by year.

WWDC is also a great event where you can learn more about concepts and frameworks in-depth, industry best practices, and more importantly how to write iOS apps properly, in a performant manner.

I personally don’t watch them all. I probably can’t as there are too many sessions. Usually, I just browse the whole list and pick the sessions that seem to be most interesting to me.

Every year, there are a ton of new features announced as well as improvements on the existing ones, a handful of new tools and frameworks that really help the development cycle a lot easier. Excited? Yes, I am. Do I actually need them? I doubt that…hmmm. Honestly, I probably do not need most of them for my day-to-day job /or I don’t need them yet. So I decided to visit those fancy features once I actually need them, cuz it’s a waste to spend time learning something that u gonna forget in 1 or 2 months later without practically touching it…

The plan is to optimize the time spent. So I chose to watch what I love most, what might be helpful to my work, and also some sessions that briefly introduce what’s new (to catch up the trend). For my taste, I’d love to learn more about concurrent programming and some deep concepts at the low level, how to improve performance and what causes the performant issues. Besides, I am extremely excited about design and UX. Weird huh! One is deep and the other is super high level.

Alright, below is the list of my favorite sessions

As said, design is somehow really interesting. The above session teaches some tips and tricks to make your app can reach more people by not being bias about any misleading information.

And this is the follow-up that teaches you the process to apply that mental model.

This talk is about how Swift prevents data races with new language feature — Actors. It is talking about how actors work and how to share states safely.

This is a good one to catch up all the news in Swift

I like this talk, it’s actually not something new but helped me refreshed my knowledge on what dropped frame is and why so (missed deadline for layout process, 60FPS = ~16ms/frame). This knowledge can be used to understand further layout optimization. This talk is actually not that deep but somewhat reminds me a ton of things. There are some critical keywords that can help you dive further.

Enough technical, tea-break time. Let’s learn some design principals

This session is awesome, covers a lot of concepts in concurrency programming, and how the optimization is implemented in the new version of Swift.

This never gets old imho. It’s always a core concept in iOS development. This reminds me how confused I was while reading this doc for the very first time.

To wrap up, the above is not everything I’ve watched but pretty much what entertains me the most. There are a ton of great sessions out there that may be interesting to you. Let’s check them out!!! And if possible, please tell me what makes you most excited about…keen to learn.

Forgot to mention, I recommend watching this. It gives an overview of what is happening throughout the whole event.




a software engineer who does software engineering