Why Functional Programming?
Functional Programming
Is quite a hot keyword recently, and usually be mentioned in many many conferences. It comes with a lot of benefits, especially when dealing with concurrency. It bases on the mathematical function concept in Math, which refers to stateless and self-contained.
Swift was released with lots of build-in supports for Functional Programming
. Three most common use are map, filter, reduce.
For now, a bunch of great open sources out there supports FP. The most popular one is RxSwift. I have been planning to discover RxSwift. It was one of the reasons why I learned functional programming and tried to understand its paradigm as I could deep down understand RxSwift. Besides, I was curious about why it is that popular and which advantages over imperative approach. So I decided to take it a while. The result is pretty good, and I learned lots of exciting stuff.
I put all keynotes at my Github. Take a look if you want to know what I learned. I will have an article about RxSwift further.
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